What to buy papillomas at the pharmacy? The 8 best products

Medicines from the pharmacy to remove papillomas

Everyone cares about their appearance and their health. Everything is used - from homemade creams, masks, vitamins to regular visits to beauty salons. And the sudden appearance on the body of unpleasant growths - warts or papillomas plunges into shock. What is that? Where? How dangerous is it? And finally, the main question, what to do with all this?

Anyone can face this problem. The human papillomavirus spreads over a larger area each year. And no one is immune from the criminal actions of the brazen invader. So let's get to know the enemy better.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

The appearance of benign neoplasms on the skin or mucous membranes in the form of warts or papillomas is associated with the presence of HPV (human papillomavirus) in the body. It attacks the lower layer of the skin (epithelium) and causes cells to divide.

Examination by a dermatologist if HPV is detected

The HPV group includes several strains of viruses:

  • The first group causes the formation of warts and papillomas on the skin;
  • The second group affects the genitals (genital warts appear there);
  • The most dangerous group of viruses has oncogenic properties and causes the growths to degenerate into a cancerous tumor.


Women are at risk of developing cancer with HPV. But men shouldn't forget about the danger either.

Popular spawn locations

Warts and papillomas are localized on the skin and mucous membranes of the body. You can find them:

On the skin :

  1. Face, neck, eyelids;
  2. Under the armpit;
  3. In or under the mammary glands;
  4. In the groin.

On the mucous membranes:

  1. Nose, mouth, vocal cords;
  2. Bladder;
  3. Organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Genitals.

Choose a treatment method

A disease such as papillomatosis should not run its course. Papillomas are easy to injure, which can speed up their growth.

Of course, the best is to see a specialist. A dermatologist will be able to establish the exact cause of the disease and select the appropriate treatment for each case. In most cases, a specialist will offer a radical method of treating papillomas:

  • Surgical;
  • Electrocoagulation method (elimination by electric current);
  • Get rid of growths with liquid nitrogen (freezing);
  • Laser therapy.

Any method of radical treatment is combined with antiviral drugs. They come in the form of suppositories, drops, tablets or capsules. Their action is associated with the suppression of the virus and increased immunity.

A relapse of the disease is possible even if all of the doctor's instructions are followed. In this case, the neoplasms will be smaller in size, their total number will also decrease. Usually 2-3 sessions of radical therapy are needed to forget about this problem forever.

Ointment for removing papillomas at home

Removal of papillomas at home

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find the time to see a specialist. And the papilloma is a trifle that you can cope with at home. Whichever option you choose to get rid of papillomas, the main rule is one. This treatment must be complete:

  • External - to remove the neoplasm itself;
  • Antiviral - destruction of HPV;
  • Immunomodulator - strengthens immunity.

Let's start by fixing the external problem. To do this, go to the pharmacy.

Means for removing papillomas in pharmacies

How to understand the variety of drugs presented in the pharmacy network and find one that works? Funds for papillomas in a pharmacy can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • Cryopreparations;
  • Medications;
  • Medicinal herbal preparations for the removal of papillomas.


These pharmaceutical remedies for papillomas work in the same way as liquid nitrogen used in specialist clinics. They are produced in aerosol form. These papilloma drugs freeze the neoplasm, tissue necrosis begins, and the accumulation disappears.

These pharmaceuticals include propane and dimethyl ether. An effective remedy for papillomas and small warts. Mode of application:

  1. Apply a little medicine to the applicator;
  2. Then apply the applicator to the problematic skin area for 30 seconds;
  3. We continue to observe the neoplasm. If after two weeks the papilloma has not completely disappeared, the procedure should be repeated.

The maximum allowed number of procedures according to the instructions does not exceed three. In order to avoid burns of healthy areas of the skin, the manufacturer advises to strictly follow the instructions.

Pharmacy remedies for herbal papilloma removal

Herbs with toxic and burning properties were known to our grandmothers. They used castor oil and celandine for papillomas and other neoplasms. Now you no longer need to collect grass "on the full moon on the rising moon", you can use celandine from the drugstore.


Celandine treatment may be the first thing that comes to mind when nasty growths are found on the body. In the pharmacy network, it is easy to find a wart remover that contains this plant. The composition of the most famous drug, in addition to the aforementioned herb, includes potassium and sodium alkalis, the action of which is manifested by the appearance of local burns. Method of application: generously lubricate the skin near the papilloma with a fatty cream. The liquid is applied directly to the neoplasm using a special spatula that comes with the kit. An unwanted side effect when removing papillomas with celandine is scarring of the damaged area of the skin. It is quite difficult to assess the effectiveness of this tool, since different manufacturers dilute the drug in different ways. And the strength of its effect is directly related to the concentration of alkalis in the preparation.

castor oil

It contains castor oil. It is used to treat plantar warts. Method of application: spray the skin of the legs well, apply oil to the problem area and cover with a bandage. After half an hour, remove the plaster and gently scrape off the buildup. Repeat the procedure up to ten times.

The effectiveness of castor oil in treating warts and papillomas is questionable. Rather, its action is aimed at softening the hardened skin of the feet.

Papilloma drops

They contain three main ingredients: tea tree oil, salicylic acid, and castor oil. These papilloma drops are available in stained glass vials. Method of application: drops are applied to the neoplasm, left to dry. Repeat 2-3 times. The effect will appear after 2-3 weeks. Based on the composition of the drug, one can judge its antiseptic, bactericidal and moisturizing properties. If it does not alleviate the problem of neoplasms, it will not harm the body.

Pharmacy remedy for the treatment of papillomas


This group of drugs for papillomas includes drugs, the action of which is manifested by cauterization and mummification of skin cells affected by the virus. They usually contain acids, alkalis, and ethanol.

Local non-necrotizing solution

Contains podophyllotoxin, which causes pain at the application site. The papilloma first turns red, then black and dies. Sold in small tinted bottles. Method of application: within three days, morning and evening, the solution is applied only to the papilloma using a special spatula. You have to be extremely careful not to let the product penetrate on healthy skin areas. After 4 days, the procedure is repeated. It is considered to be the most effective drug according to patient reviews.

Cauterizing cream or ointment

This medication is intended to fight both papillomas and warts. Its action is aimed at the destruction of the human papillomavirus and the development of immunity against this disease. Method of application: the cream is applied in a thin layer twice a day to the neoplasm. It is important to avoid applying the product to healthy areas of the skin, as well as to the mammary glands and armpits. The duration of treatment can be up to four weeks.

Silver nitrate pencil

Finding this safe remedy for papillomas in drugstores is not difficult. The preparation contains silver nitrate, which has an antiseptic effect. The action of the pencil is aimed at destroying bacteria and burning neoplasms. It is also used to treat wounds, cracks, and other skin lesions.

Having solved the aesthetic problem and removing the papillomas, you need to understand that the virus itself is not defeated. The human papillomavirus is very resistant and extremely difficult to treat. To prevent the recurrence of the disease in the form of the appearance of new papillomas and warts, complex treatment is required, including the intake of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents.

Antiviral drugs

With their help, the activity of HPV decreases. These include:

  • The drug with inosine - has a milder effect, is well tolerated by children and the elderly;
  • Means with sodium salt of luminol - can be taken for a long time, suitable for children;
  • A drug that prevents the virus from multiplying;
  • Drug that reduces the activity of the virus and stimulates the immune system.

It should be borne in mind that these drugs affect the body as a whole, so it is not recommended to take them without consulting a doctor!

Immunomodulatory agents

They increase the resistance of the body and correct the natural immunity. Attribute:

  • A drug-analogue of natural peptidoglycan - usually taken with an antiviral drug, produced in tablet form;
  • Preparations containing interferons, have an immunostimulating effect, are produced in the form of suppositories (vaginal and rectal);
  • A biologic that combines the ability to resist the virus and strengthen the immune system is available as a solution for injection.
  • Herbal immunostimulants - decoctions and tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea, aralia.

You can try to remove the papilloma that has appeared on the body on your own. The exception is neoplasms in visible areas of the body.

You do not have to fight with papillomas on the neck, face and décolleté. When you start treatment at home, you shouldn't expect immediate results. It will take time. Failure to follow the instructions for use and precautions for home treatment of papillomas can cause skin burns, scars and scars.


To avoid complications, entrust papilloma therapy to professionals. Consult your doctor!

A dermatologist will accurately determine the cause of papillomas, and also teach you how to remove them quickly and painlessly.

Dermatologist successfully treated HPV